
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thank You Thursday

Dear Comedy Central,

Thank you for making me laugh. Between South Park, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Tosh.O, celebrity roasts, and a myriad of stand up shows you always provide me the magical powers of laughter; the wonderful, fun, healing. distracting power of laughter.

I may not like the logo redesign but I love to watch your programming.

Dear Rug Doctor,

 Thank you for coming to our rescue today. Our rabbit has been taking a toll on our carpets and, by extension, my nose and migraines. Even though our rabbit is little box trained and our dog is house trained there has still been some peeing happening on the carpets. How does that happen? Well, when the rabbit gets upset about something he takes it out on us by peeing. Since we added Gypsy to the family about a month ago he has been particularly mad and this bad bun behavior has been frequent.

While it may be too early to know for sure how helpful you have been in addressing our bad bunny's behavior, the initial results are positive. Coupled with some big changes in our bun's routine hopefully this will be the end of it.

Dear Bad Pet Owners,

Thank you for not picking up after your dogs. I love having to avoid these stinky, sticky landmines when out walking our dog. Clearly your pet's waste is someone elses responsibility. Heaven forbid you should have to pick up your dog's poo.

You all have sparked my imagination. I imagine how wonderful it would be to know who you are, pick up your dog's poo, and smear it all over your vehicle. Being careful to get the poo in the door handle so you can get some on your hands.

1 comment:

  1. LOLOLOLOL! This is good! With a routine like that YOU should be on Comedy Central! I do have to agree that CC was so great when I needed to laugh the most. I really enjoyed comedy, and like they say, Laughter is the Best Medicine!

    Yay for clean carpet, and hopefully bunny foo foo won't be peeing on them anymore.

    They do make special little bags, and cute bone baggie holders to attach to a dogs leash just for the purpose of cleaning up one's own dogs poo. Imagine that! It's even convenient. You get'em Miss M!!!!
